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can\'t take that away (mariah\'s theme)
can't take that away (mariah's theme)  detail>>
they can\'t take that away from me
they can't take that away from me  detail>>
take away
prendre, enlever, dégager  detail>>
chinese take-away
el chino (film)  detail>>
don\'t take away the music
don't take away the music  detail>>
take my breath away
take my breath away  detail>>
take one's breath away
surprendre; étonner  detail>>
can\'t stay away
can't stay away  detail>>
can i take a message?
je peux prendre le message? (au téléphone)  detail>>
can take criticism
sait recevoir une critique, accepte la critique  detail>>
can't take it anymore
il n'en peut plus, ne peut plus souffrir davantage  detail>>
can\'t take me home
can't take me home  detail>>
internes can\'t take money
la loi du milieu (film, 1937)  detail>>
can\'t let go (mariah carey song)
can't let go  detail>>
please take my brother away!
kuai ba wo ge dai zou  detail>>
take my breath away (album)
take my breath away (album)  detail>>
you take my heart away
you take my heart away  detail>>
can\'t stay away from you
can't stay away from you  detail>>